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Top 10 basic java quiz questions part 1 [with Explanation] | CY

1. What is the range of short data type in Java? 1. -128 to 127 …

Find the sum and average of array elements in java [2 ways].

Sum and average of array elements in java [2 ways]. Hey in this article you can learn how to find the sum and average of array elements in java …

Java program to check armstrong number [2 ways] - codeyourslf

check armstrong number [2 ways] - codeyourslf Do you know what is armstrong number ? Let me tell you, a number which is equal to the sum of cubes of…

How to create and initialise array in java | codeYourslf

create/declare and initialise array in java  Here you can learn data structures using java with lots of related programs.  I mainly focus to practice…

How to find the size/length of an array in java [2 ways] - CY

Find the size of an array in java - codeyourslf Do you want to find out the number of elements present in an array ? In this article I will discuss h…

Print all prime numbers between 1 to 100 in java | codeyourslf

Prime number between 1 to 100 in java Do you know how we can print all prime numbers between 1 and 100 using java ? Don't worry I will simply ex…
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