java next(); Vs nextLine(); | next Vs nextLine in java | CY

Do you know the difference between next() and nextLine() in java. Click here codeYourslf, basic programming, java tutorial, online coding for free

We all know that both next(); and nextLine(); methods are  used to receive user input in java programming language. But what is the major difference both next and nextLine methods. 

java next(); Vs nextLine(); | next Vs nextLine in java | CY

👉 In this article you can easily understood the difference between next(); and nextLine(); methods in java.

If you want the video explanation then go to down and watch the video. And also read the full article.

I have also provided the source code also, Go and check it out. 

Java nextLine();

👉 nextLine() method is used to receice string user input in java. Let's see waht happened if you take string user input by nextLine() method.

Example:- I am going to explain what will be the output if we take user input by using nextLine() method.

If : input- My name is Miku. 

    then the output will be, 

    output - My name is Miku.

Explanation:- If you take user input by using nextLine(), then the output will be same as the input. There will be no change in the output.

Java next();

👉 This next(); method also used to receive user input in java. But there is some difference from nextLine(); method.

Then you may think what is the difference, Now I am going to explain the difference with a example..

Example: Here also I will take the same input and I will show, what will be output.

input - My name is Miku.

output - My

java next(); Vs nextLine(); | next Vs nextLine in java | CY

👉 Hey do you understood the difference, let me explain it.

When we try to receive user input by using nextLine(); method, then the output will be same as the input. But when we try to receive user input by using only the next(); method, then the output will be the first word of the string sentence. I mean the next(); store string upto a space, when it show a space it terminate the storing of that string.

So in the above example the output is only 'My'. Because after 'My' there is a space, so it does not store the reamining part of the string.

//next(); Vs nextLine(); in java

package CodeYourslf.CodingComparision;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class day1 {

    public static void main(String args[]){

      String name1;

      String name2;


      Scanner sc = new Scanner(;


      System.out.print("Enter the string for name1:");

      name1 = sc.nextLine();

      System.out.println("The string stored by nextLine is: "+name1);


      System.out.print("Enter the string for name2:");

      name2 =;

      System.out.println("The string stored by next is: "+name2);




The Output is :- ⤵️⤵️

java next(); Vs nextLine(); | next Vs nextLine in java | CY

See the video explanation here:-


1 comment

  1. Nice work ...
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